Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pseudo Experts in Social Media

When I go skiing with my family we don't go down the black diamond trails. Why? Because we barely ski once a year and don't qualify as "experts." So why is that so many people in my industry portray themselves as an expert in something they've barely begun to do. I'm talking about the writers who have had an iPad for one month versus the Detroit Symphony Orchestra musician with 10,000+ hours of practice. (Malcolm Gladwell "Outliers" reference.) I've grown tired of the social media expert who tweeted three times, the blog expert with a blog that's still a "green banana", the YouTube expert whose video has been viewed 42 times, and the social media repurposers without an original thought. Admit it people you belong on the groomed blue trails of social media. You're learning along with the rest of us and are at best an intermediate. So stop teaching (and preaching to me via email) and start catching more edges in the snow. I'll see you by the fire in the lodge when you've mastered your craft.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Buying a new pair of pants

Yesterday my wife and I ventured to Kohl's, the king of Dockers, to buy some clothes.  Had I seen this spot first we may have both considered shopping elsewhere.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Changes in the "Detroit ad scene"

Thanks to the Adcraft Club for including me in a discussion of the organization and the state of advertising in Detroit at a session held with Detroit Free Press columnist Tom Walsh this past Monday.

Here's a link to the article from Saturday's Free Press.

Enjoyed it, even if the big agency guys hogged all the quotes. More "good news" to come.