Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Wine Arrives

The traditional gift of a bottle of wine is one of the holiday "joys" in the advertising business. Recently I read a piece in Running Times Magazine that connects wine and running (two of my passions) in a fashion beyond the "a glass a day is good for your heart."

While years of experience can give you great insight into your terroir, one of the dangers is that we become stale, mentally and physically, just as the soil in an agricultural terroir can when used to grow the same thing year after year after year. Change, either small or great, may reinvigorate your running.

Applies to our business, too. Might I suggest thinking about it over a nice glass of merlot.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Good to the last drop

The other day I asked my sister-in-law a trivia question? Who is credited with Maxwell House's famous line, "good to the last drop." She didn't get a chance to answer me yet given that she's been swamped at her new job. That's at Kraft, seller of Maxwell House.

But all that trivia ceased to matter hours later when my wife rang me from the pediatrician's office. Our daughter Brooke, who's 14 years-old had developed a serious infection on her leg. Later that evening we found ourselves rapidly admitted to Huron Valley-Sinai hospital. Within 90 minutes my daughter had received an I/V and started on a course of antibiotics. She was in the hospital for three days receiving wonderful care every second. Those antibiotics may have saved her life and, while contributing to the high cost of health care, they were certainly good to the last drop.

To bring all of this together, our coffee sloganeer made national health insurance one of the major planks of the Progressive party during the 1912 presidential campaign. If you answered Teddy Roosevelt, you're right on both accounts.