Balance Bars, the balance beam, New Balance shoes, balance ball, balance transfers and of course the balance sheet. So balance must be important. One often addressed is "work-life" balance. I generally pooh-pooh that concept until time comes to actually take a vacation. It's then that I learn how out of balance things can get. Last week we took a glorious trip to Hawaii. I watched my daughters surf, ate macadamia nuts with everything and in everything, and just relaxed. (My wife always reminds me that it takes three days to get to that point.)
While in Hawaii, and on the VERY long flights I read at least three books. Completed the past six New York Times Sunday crossword puzzles. Even took part in a local Kona 10-k. (That run wasn't on the long flights.) And the amazing thing was not once did anyone in our family use the Internet. Yes, a whole week disconnected yet reconnected- with each other. In effect we rebalanced.
What's that awful sound going thump-thump-thump? My wife just asked me to redistribute the towels in the washing machine. I guess even machines need balance. Here's hoping you find yours.
Sunshine, Magic and the Value of Optimism
2 years ago